Easter Snaps and a Birthday Cake

As yall know, this past weekend was Easter! Easter is one of my favorite holidays, not only for the occasion of celebrating our Savior's resurrection, but also because it marks the beginning of spring! It's  such a wonderful thing to be able to reflect on the past year and all of the gracious blessings the Lord has poured out with family and friends while birds are chirping and the temperature is rising. 
Maybe it's just me, but I'm kind of a grump in the winter. My skin is pale, my hair is dry, everything is static ridden, and I just really hate being cold.

I was excited to pull out this cute nautical dress and neon bauble necklace to celebrate the season.

As I mentioned before, it was also Michael's birthday! And because the delicious Buttermilk French Toast I made just wasn't enough, I also made him this chocolate peanut butter cake, which has become quite a tradition since it is his fave. You can find the recipe here
It's always a huge hit!

Do you have any birthday traditions or favorite "go to" cakes or desserts?


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